Moody in the Middle

Bridging The Gap: Confidence Building Exercises

Confidence-building exercises


At times, life presents us with some situations that are a severe jolt to our self-confidence and belief. While we all want to sulk in our lives and feel sorry for the things we haven’t achieved, not many of us have the insight to see the silver lining that is hidden between the dark clouds. Having a big-picture view is very important to boost your confidence. Simple exercise such as a change in your body language, your tone and your smile can boost your confidence to a great extent. Here, let us see 3 simple confidence-building exercises that teach us important lessons in life.

  1. Count your blessings

No, we are not getting philosophical here! What we are trying to tell you is that when things aren’t happening the way you wanted or planned, you shouldn’t succumb to that situation. Yes, failures are worrisome situations, but you need to train your mind to think positively and be grateful for what you have been provided with.  Is your business not generating enough money? Be grateful that you had a chance to chase your dreams.  Are your parents not convinced with your career choice? Be grateful that you have parents.

You see what we mean? When you start counting your blessings, it makes you feel grateful for what you have and removes the negativity in your mind. When negativity exits, confidence automatically makes an entry inside you.

  1. Work-life balance

Regardless of your profession and your designation, you need to maintain a proper work-life balance at all times to remain confident and happy. Ensure that you spend enough time with your family and loved ones on weekends. Have some “me-time” as well during these days. When your personal life is happy, it reflects on your professional life as well.

On the contrary, when you keep sulking, you tend to fail at both. Relationships break because of your inability to maintain them, and this can impact your self-belief and confidence to a large extent. This is why it is essential to switch off from work and stress when you are not working.

  1. Change in body language

Maintain eye contact even when you are talking to people above your cadre. This tells them that you are sure about your opinions and that you are not a person who shies away from voicing them out. When you are meeting new people, extend your hand warmly and have a genuine smile on your face. Never look at them quizzically with your hands in your pockets. If you are addressing a group of people in your office, try out a few power poses such as leaning forward while placing your hands on the table, addressing them with arms spread out, with arms at your hips, sitting with your hands behind your head in a chair, etc. These are poses that spell class and confidence, thereby making you fit and worthy of being a leader.

Yes, we do agree that these are easier said than done. However, it is important for you to take an effort and try these exercises regularly to improve your confidence.  Read more here: Bridging The Gap: E-Book